Brand Name: VEVOR
DIY Supplies: Metalworking
Type: Tap & Die Set
Origin: Mainland China
Material: High Carbon Steel
Number of Pieces: 60
Tap Quantity: 27
Die Quantity: 27
Master Carton Quantity: 6 Sets
Master Carton Measure(L x W x H): 43.5 x 24.5 x 5 cm/17.13 x 9.65 x 1.97 in
Master Carton N.W: 17 kg/37.48 lbs
Type: 60 PCS Tap and Die
Features 1: High Cutting Efficiency
Features 2: Widely-Used Size
Features 3: Premium Carbon Steel
Features 4: Easy to Carry
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The 60-piece tap and die set (Inch) is made of carbon steel. It includes 27 taps and 27 dies. They vary from 0.5 inch to 1.75 inches. These tapered plug taps and dies are the most commonly used style. We can use them to cut new material or chase lightly damaged threads. These taps and dies will cut mild carbon and alloy steel, stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum, brass, and bronze.
Excellent Performance
Predominant Material
Portable Case
Convenient Clamp
Tough Equipment & Tools, Pay Less
VEVOR is a leading brand that specializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands of motivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customers with tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVOR's products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions with 10 million plus members worldwide.
Why Choose VEVOR?
Premium Tough Quality
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30-Day Free Returns
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Key Features
High Cutting Efficiency
The taps and die set is made of carbon steel. Thus, we can use it to cut new material or repair damaged thread for a long time. It can provide high working efficiency and save time for us. So we don’t need to buy a new thread. -
Widely-used Size
The threading die set includes sixty pieces of taps and dies. Taps and dies are twenty-seven pieces individually for a sixty-piece set. One die handle, two tap wrenches, two screw pitch gauge, and one screwdriver. Their sizes are most often used. -
Premium Carbon Steel
We could use the high-intensity carbon steel die set in high-temperature conditions. And it is corrosion-proof. So we can use it for a long time. The superior quality can meet your various demands in many situations. -
Easy to Carry
The metric tap and die set are stocked in the case, keeping them tidy and in order. The case also can protect the threading tool from dirty. So it can save your time to clean the tap and die set. -
Adjustable Wrench
You can adjust the size of the tap and die set by using the adjustable wrench. Thus, you can use it to fulfill many different working tasks. -
Extensive Applications
We can use the carbon steel re-threading tool kit in multiple areas, such as machine tools, precision modules, voltage transformers, etc.
27 Taps(Inch): 3x0.5, 4x0.7, 5x0.8, 6x1, 7x1.0, 8x1.25, 9x1.25, 10x1, 10x1.5, 12x1.75, 4-40, 6-32, 8-32, 10-32, 10-24, 12-24, 1/4-20, 1/4-28, 5/16-18, 5/16-24, 3/8-16, 3/8-24, 7/16-14, 7/16-20, 1/2-13, 1/2-20, 1/8-27
27 Dies(Inch): 3x0.5, 4x0.7, 5x0.8, 6x1, 7x1.0, 8x1.25, 9x1.25, 10x1, 10x1.5, 12x1.75, 4-40, 6-32, 8-32, 10-32, 10-24, 12-24, 1/4-20, 1/4-28, 5/16-18, 5/16-24, 3/8-16, 3/8-24, 7/16-14, 7/16-20, 1/2-13, 1/2-20, 1/8-27
Master Carton Quantity: 6 Sets
Master Carton Measure(L x W x H): 43.5 x 24.5 x 5 cm/17.13 x 9.65 x 1.97 in
Master Carton N.W: 17 kg/37.48 lbs
27 x Taps
27 x Dies
1 x Die Handle
1 x Tap Wrench
1 x T-type Tap Wrench
2 x Screw Pitch Gauge
1 x Screwdriver
Features & Details
【EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE】- The tap and die set metric and standard are entirely machined. Thus, it’s very sharp and will not damage during cutting a new thread or repairing the old one. The whole set passed the heat treatment precisely and is widely-used size.
【PREDOMINANT MATERIAL】- The sae die set made of high-durability carbon steel, which is anti-wear. Its longevity is 5-10 times that of non-carbon steel die set. It’s quite robust, which ensures that we can use it for a long time.
【PORTABLE CASE】- The case can contain the full tap and die set. You can bring it to the place where you need it. And it’s convenient to store them in the case to prevent dust.
【CONVENIENT CLAMP】- We can set the wrench at the location of clockwise rotation or anti-clockwise rotation. We can rotate the clamp at 180° to make it. It’s very convenient to use.
【VERSATILE USAGE】- The large tap and die set can work on most metals, such as carbon steel, iron, aluminum, brass, copper, stainless steel, etc. We can use it to make a new thread or repair the old one.
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